Showing the information you need, when and where you need it, in an intuitive manner. Our solution works on tablets, phones and augmented reality headsets.
Real Time Verification
Spot defects in parts and assemblies as well as breaches in protocol, as they occur. This allows fixes to be made while they are still cheap and easy.
Explainable AI
Our novel approach to machine learning works out of the box. We won't need you to provide extensive data sets to achieve the required results.
Proprietary Hardware
We have designed and produced a modular custom sensor array to deliver sub-millimetre resolution at minimal expense, across a wide variety of applications.
World Leading Testing
All of our sensors are tested in state of the art facilities. These include the National Physical Laboratory.
Edge Computing
Our low-cost, energy-efficient ARM powered cameras collaborate over a mesh network to achieve verification on whatever scale you require.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you'd like to find out more about our machine verification solution and how we can help your business.